Provincial and City Public Library in Rzeszow

Wojewódzka i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna w Rzeszowie

samorządowa instytucja kultury Województwa Podkarpackiego i Miasta Rzeszowa

Provincial and City Public Library in Rzeszow

municipal culture institution of Podkarpacie Province and City of Rzeszow

Воєводська і Міська Cуспільна Бібліотека у Жешові

Organization of readership events


WiMBP in Rzeszowie is actively working to promote literature, readership, and art,  offering throughout the year a number of diverse events and meetings for children teenagers and adults.

Forms of cultural and educational activities of the Library include:
- meetings with authors, readings, promoting of valuable literature,
- lectures and meetings with interesting people,
- chamber concerts and musical meetings,
- exhibitions of paintings, graphic arts, and photography by both professional and amateur artists, among them original exhibitions and post competition exhibitions  for children and teenagers,
- thematic expositions and exhibitions of collections from the library, as well as from  
collectors and region experts,
- lessons at the library and thematic classes for students and kindergarten children.

In the events calendar a permanent place is held by the following events: 
„Zima w bibliotece”, "Międzynarodowy Dzień Książki i Praw Autorskich”, „Tydzień Bibliotek”, „Tydzień Czytania Dzieciom”, "Z książką na walizkach”, „Święto Ulicy 3 Maja”, „Lato w bibliotece”.   

The library holds meetings of a Book Discussion Club and students of University Trzeciego Wieku.

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